How Can Robot Grass Cutters Save You Time and Money?

How Can Robot Grass Cutters Save You Time and Money?

If there’s one question that we ask more than any other, it’s this: how much time do you spend cutting the grass, or mowing the lawn?

Published: June 2023

The second most asked question in our office and across our entire business model is this: what would, or what could you do if you didn’t have to spend all that time cutting the grass?

The fact is that lawn maintenance takes time. It’s long, it’s often boring, and it can be difficult to get right without high-quality machinery and extra sharp cutting blades.

What’s more, mowing the lawn is an investment of time for ground maintenance businesses, especially across larger sites – using valuable resources and professional landscapers to complete the task which could be done much faster if only you had the right tools…

Enter the robotic mower.

Robotic mowers are designed to complete the task at a time that suits you, following the pre-programmed cutting area and specifications that you can control with ease via an app on your smartphone. What’s more, the robotic mower is smart enough to follow boundaries, navigate over and around obstacles, and return to its charging port when it is running low on juice.

All that, without the need for a single finger of human intervention.

Here’s how a robotic grass cutter could save you time and money.

For ground maintenance businesses

If you work for or run a business which offers outdoor services to clients in your local area, then you will likely spend a great deal of time mowing the lawn. Customers across both commercial and residential spaces are always looking for reliable lawn mowers – engaging the services of local experts to achieve the perfect lawn trim which also helps them to optimise the maintenance of their garden as a whole, keep on top of trees and shrubs, and ensure that flower beds are looking their best.

The robotic lawn mower is designed to fulfil one major task on that checklist, leaving your team free to focus on the other more manual areas of work – thus maximising how you use your resources and helping you save time and money on each job.

In addition, the flexible nature of a robotic grass cutter means that it can be programmed to work overnight or outside of core working hours, making it a task that can be completed without intervention and at a time when the grounds are not being used.

In short, when your outdoor maintenance business invests in a robotic mower, you invest in an extension of your team which can complete one crucial task with optimum efficiency, and to the very highest possible standards, with ease.

For homeowners

Homeowners are increasingly turning their attention towards robot grass cutters, as a means of keeping on top of their own backyard with a solution which is sustainable to run and which protects the stability of the ground all year round.

By alleviating the need for heavy mowers, the robot mower creates a perfectly precise cut across the programmed area, without causing lasting damage to the ground underneath, at the same time as relaying grass clippings back into the lawn to promote healthy growth and enhancing the density of the lawn.

All this, from a machine which works while you relax, eat, or sleep.

Robot grass cutters: are they worth it?

The cost of a robotic grass cutter makes it an investment – but when you consider the long-term benefits, it’s certainly one that is worth making for those who spend great deals of time mowing the grass on their own property or as part of their business offering.

With a robotic lawn mower on your team, you can provide clients and outside spaces with consistent and levelled grass – perfect for sports, aesthetic enjoyment, and everyday use.

And here at GroundTech, we make it easier than ever to find the right mower for you with a vast selection of products available – and an expert team of people behind the scenes with tons of advice to share. Get in touch with us directly if you want to learn more about robotic lawnmowers and their benefits.

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We also offer no-obligation consultations and can provide comprehensive demonstrations on how best to optimise the operation of any robotics.