10 Reasons to Switch to Robotic Mowing

10 Reasons to Switch to Robotic Mowing

A robot mower is Innovative, effortless, precise, and dedicated to completing every task in record time.

Published: May 2023

No, it’s not your new office PA (although wouldn’t that be nice!). In fact, we’re talking about the robotic mower – a futuristic addition to your maintenance team that proves just how useful robots can be at tackling a mundane and time-consuming task.

Let’s be honest, mowing the lawn is nobody’s idea of the perfect job. But with a robotic mower at your disposal, you can benefit from picture perfect grass all year round while freeing up your outdoor team to focus on the tasks that really make a difference.

With all that said, what exactly are the benefits and why should you consider making the switch to a robotic mower? Here are 10 of the top reasons why we recommend investing in a robotic mower this year.

  1. Save time

The first, and arguably one of the most compelling reasons for making the switch to a robotic mower, is the speed with which these automated machines can complete their tasks. Simply let it know where you want it to mow and to what height, and watch as it gets the job done in record time.

  1. Remove mundane tasks from your task list

A benefit for both you and your outdoor maintenance team, the robotic mower removes lawn mowing from the task list – leaving your team free to focus on more interesting and exciting projects. In short, the switch to a robotic mower creates more time for your team to complete creative, hands-on tasks and project work.

  1. Protect the ground

When compared with the compaction caused by groundskeepers trampling back and forth across the lawn, a robotic mower is a lightweight alternative which delivers high level results without compacting or damaging the ground.

  1. Funnel cuttings back into the earth

Sure, you might find that some of the grass clippings are manually mulched by your ground team and turned into a form of fertiliser to feed the lawn, but the robotic mower does this automatically and without any extra effort. This organic use of clippings to fertilise the ground alleviates the need for chemicals and other treatments, having an overwhelmingly positive effect on your grounds and wildlife.

  1. Mow the lawn during unsociable working hours

One of the main reasons why so many professional sports fields are making the switch to robotic mowers is the fact that these tools can mow and maintain the lawn overnight and during unsociable hours outside of the core training day. The same is true of estate grounds and public spaces, where the best time to mow the lawn is during the night. Our robotic mowers are much quieter than your traditional petrol or diesel mower.

  1. Benefit from precise mowing for professional pitches

Another benefit for professional sports groundskeepers and pitch managers is the precision with which the robotic mower can mow the grass across the different fields and pitches – all without damaging the ground. Simply set the correct lawn height and let your mower do the rest (a benefit we’ll come back to shortly!)

  1. Enhance the kerb appeal of your property / premises, effortlessly

Kerb appeal is something that matters to both domestic and commercial property owners – and what better way to achieve it than with the effortless support and intervention of a robotic lawn mower.

  1. ‘Set it and forget it’

A key selling point of our robotic mowers is that they don’t require any manual intervention. Simply set the boundary of the area that you want to be mown and leave the mower to it.

  1. Automatic return to charger

Following on from the last point, another selling point of the robotic mower and a reason why it makes for the perfect upgrade is its homing beacon, which draws the mower back to its charging point when it starts to run low on power. This means that you will never find the mowing dying halfway through the job – rather returning to its base to ensure optimum charge as and when it’s required.

  1. Remove control function

Imagine if all of your team members could be managed from the comfort of your home or home office?! With the robotic mower, you can check in on the progress of your mower and ascertain its exact location with a connected app.

Are you ready to make the switch to a robotic mower?

Get in touch with the GroundTech team to learn more about our robotic mowers, how they work, and the benefits of making the switch from manual to robotic outdoor labour. 


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